Can I own a property in Northern Cyprus?

Under the new laws of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), also commonly known as Northern Cyprus, non-TRNC Citizens are entitled to hold a title deed to only one property, up to a maximum area of 5 donums (which makes 6685 m2) per household, providing that the property only consists of one dwelling (the Property Law of 2008 has increased the land surface that can be hold by a non-citizen). Building permission will not be granted to build further dwellings after authorisation to purchase has been granted. For the purposes of this law, husband and wife count as one household. Before you can register in your name the title deeds to the property, you need to have permission from the TRNC Council of Ministers. It is still possible to take title to more than 1 property, or to a property which size exceeds 5 donums, but then you have to implement other legal schemes, such as a TRNC company which can hold the property title. Yet, the simple legal scheme the better: the first option is simpler to implement, and therefore, it should be considered as more appropriate to avoid complex paperwork.