Subscribing a car insurance in Thailand

The driving Compulsory insurance in Thailand, called the “CPLT” for Compulsory Third Party Liability or PO LO BO, is the government insurance and the minimum requirement for driving a car in Thailand. This insurance will only cover the damages to people (third party) that you would cause while driving in Thailand. If you want to be covered against damages concerning your vehicule, extend the cover level in case of damages caused to third party, or also cover youself or your passengers, you should suscribe to an additional insurance.
In Thailand, the insurance premium for the compulsory insurance is usually very low, ranging from 600 to 1000 baht per year, depending on your vehicle. This insurance is intended to compensate the victims of an accident in which you are responsible. Compensation amounts are low as well. The maximum amount of compensation is up to 50,000 baht per victim for injury, 80,000 baht for amputation and 100,000 baht in case of death of the victim. If the vehicle is not insured in Thailand, it is the driver who will pay those sums.
This compulsory insurance only covers injuries, no damage to vehicles or properties damaged by the accident. So, you may benefit greatly from additional insurance. Supplementary insurances offer varying levels of cover, depending on the contract type.

First Class insurance: Comprehensive – comprehensively covering the vehicle insured, life and injury of driver, passengers and third party property damage and liability. First Class insurance is the equivalent of an all-risks insurance. Whether you are responsible or not, your insurer will compensate you also as victim of the accident when it is your fault. For a vehicle with a value of 1 Million THB, the amount of the yearly premium will be about 20,000 baht, which is still much cheaper than in Europe and many modern countries. You should still check that the maximum amount of compensation is sufficient. Otherwise, much of the loss amount could remain at your expense if the ceiling is too low.
Second Class Insurance: it will cover you in case of theft or fire of your vehicle, plus Third Party Liability.
Third Class Insurance: it is a Third Party Liability, covering personal injury excluded by CPLT insurance, as well as damage to vehicles and property when you are responsible for an accident.
Third Class + Insurance: covers damage caused to third parties like third class insurance, but also those caused to your own vehicle in an accident with a third party.
To these basic frames, can be added insurance extra cover options, including the driver or passengers.
It goes without saying that in Thailand even more than in Western countries, the advice of a competent and recognized professional can save you a lot of trouble in the event of an accident.