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Property in Thailand: what are the condo fees?

  • 24 novembre 2013
  • Guide
  • 0
Property in Thailand: what are the condo fees?

A condominium must meet its maintenance and management expenses. The responsibility of each owner depends on the surface of the units he owns. The total amount of expenses is defined and agreed during the owners annual general meeting (AGM).

The fund is gathered in advance by the condominium manager, and the annual cost is sometimes gathered at once. A sinking fund is often set up for a better management of cash flow in the residence. There may be also special funds or funds dedicated to the execution of works. All amounts should be discussed and agreed prior to collection during the AGM.

This system is usually the same in many countries, not only in Thailand.

If you want to purchase a property, you should take into account the amount of such expenses in the financing of your acquisition, as the maintenance of expensive utilities can bring about high condo fees.



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